LA DUCHESSE AU PIEDS NUS has been selected by the CCI FRANCE JAPON ( TOKYO from June 14th to 16th)
LA DUCHESSE AU PIEDS NUS has been selected by the CCI FRANCE JAPON ( TOKYO from June 14th to 16th) https://laduchesseauxpiedsnus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/interiorlifeTokyo-1170x658-1024x576.jpg 1024 576 LA DUCHESSE AUX PIEDS NUS LA DUCHESSE AUX PIEDS NUS https://laduchesseauxpiedsnus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/interiorlifeTokyo-1170x658-1024x576.jpgLA DUCHESSE AU PIEDS NUS has been selected by the CCI FRANCE JAPON and supported by La Chambre Régionale de Metiers et de l’Artisanat d’Ile-de-France to take part in the INTERIOR LIFE STYLE trade fair taking place in TOKYO from June 14th to 16th. If you happen to come to this fair, do stop by at the D41 stand in the French Pavilion. We will be delighted to show you, amongst other things, our latest “Carnet de voyage” collection.
We hope to see you again very shortly.