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Keep up to date with our latest news on Instagram https://laduchesseauxpiedsnus.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/actus-instagram.jpg 1000 667 LA DUCHESSE AUX PIEDS NUS LA DUCHESSE AUX PIEDS NUS https://laduchesseauxpiedsnus.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/actus-instagram.jpgAs a trend mood board, LA DUCHESSE AUX PIEDS NUS invites you into a realm of desire, inspiration, travel, colour and encounters. This area of freedom enables us to share with you our creativity, our craft in the workshop, our doubts or our discoveries. Please tell us what you think about it, whether you like it, which piece of jewellery you would like, what style appeals to you at the moment.
Follow our passion for creation and let us exchange opinions.